Steps to integrate LiveSmart WP plugin: 1. Installation - Make sure you have LiveSmart Video Chat installed. If you do not have it, please visit Installation details can be found here - Add the file livesmart-plugin.php to wp-content/plugins folder. The plug-in will appear in the WordPress admin panel under Plugins section. - Activate the plug-in. 2. Setup After the activation, a new link appears in the left menu - LiveSmart Settings. - Server URL - fill in your server URL. - Button CSS - this is the message that appears on our button. - Button Message - The label on the button. Default is "Start Video Chat". - Agent Name - Name of the agent. - Agent Avatar - URL of an image of the agent. 3. WordPress site integration Use one of the two options to integrate our widget in your site: - It can be put on a single page. From the Pages section, edit the content of the page and place the tag [livesmart_widget] - It can be set up in the menu, the header, the footer, etc. Open the necessary PHP page for ex. header.php, footer.php, from Appearance - Editor and place the following WordPress hook 4. LiveSmart Dashboard - After you set the correct settings and your DB is set and installed, you can visit LiveSmart Dashboard in the menu.